Monday, November 28, 2011

525,600 Minutes

While individually some days this year have dragged (as is expected) as a whole the past 365 days have flown by. For me it has been a year of change and a year of transition. But best of all it has been a whole year with Bryan. I honestly don't know if I would have made it through the last year without this kid. This picture is a two of us this past weekend at the Big House as we watched Ohio State put up a valiant effort against M!ch!g@n. The OSU/UM game is where it all began, and hopefully this is the 2nd of countless football games we will watch featuring the best rivalry in college football.

A little background on Bryan and I. We met in May of 2010 at USNA's Ring Dance [Ring Dance = Prom for adults almost adults]. I had gone flown out to go to Ring Dance with a friend from my hometown. Bryan had a "mishap" with his date for the night, and ended up joining the group I was with for dinner/the dance/and our after party at the house we were renting. Bryan and I happened to get along wonderfully, and kept in touch. 
[The First Picture of Bry and I in existence. He's top left and I'm bottom right]

Bryan and I continued to talk almost daily for months. Some days it was just a single text or Facebook message, and other days we would spend hours chatting about everything and anything. Come middle of that summer Bry happened to be in Chicago at the same time I was and we met up again to catch up. He was just as goofy and adorable as I remembered. The constant communication continued until that fateful November day...

Unfortunately for him, Bryan somehow grew up a M!ch!g@n fan. He had always wanted to attend an OSU/UM game, and the two of us scoured Craig's List until we found a reasonably priced ticket. Insert M!ch!g@n weekend 2010 were the two of us actually started dating. It was amazing how it seemed like we had known each other forever after only a few short meetings. 
[Ohio Stadium, November 2010]

Now here we are 2 countries. 10 states. 28 plane rides. and 365 days later. I couldn't be happier waiting to see where the next 365 days take me with my favorite man.

[Sorry that lasted forever!]



  1. First of all, congrats on your one year! Second of all, I was invited to the Ring Dance in 2009 too!! That's when J and I first started talking again....and then he and his friends had to go shoot fireworks out of their window at the academy. They were put on restriction and I could no longer go to the dance haha. What company was your boyfriend in?

  2. Apparently I never learned how to proofread, or how to count! Bry and I met at Ring Dance 2010, not 2009. But, he was in 4 regardless. Sorry about that!

  3. Oh well, a ring dance is a ring dance. At least you got to go! ;)
