Monday, October 24, 2011

Please Don't Feed the Dustbunnies

I will always be the first to admit that I am far from a neat freak (it is also evidenced by the scattering of shoes, jackets, purses and textbooks on my bedroom floor), but there are certain things that just give me the heeby-jeebies and a dirty bathroom is at the top of that list.

Armed with a glass of wine, all purpose cleaner, and Drain-O I tackled the bathroom of six college girls with hopes of making it shine. Sparing the dirty details it quickly became evident that this was not going to be an easy job.

In the end the bathroom was spotless, 12 towels were washed and I even moved on to tackle the kitchen. Currently stalling before I throw some more organization time into my bedroom. Did I mention I have two midterms and a paper due within the next 10 days? It's amazing when the cleaning bug will get ya ;-)

Not to mention boyfriend Bryan will be here Friday. It will have been 2 months, 2 weeks and 6 days since the last time I saw him. Friday cannot come soon enough! I hope P-Cola has been nice to him, but I figure the least I can do is have a clean house and some baked goods that rival his step-mom's. I can just pretend that the Dollhouse looks like that all the time

1 comment:

  1. Yes I liked this. Made me laugh and smile from ear to ear. =)
    Great blog too, so I followed. And maybe youll visit me someday.

