Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1/30 - Random Things

Day One - List 20 Random Things About Yourself
[[Family Vacation, Hawaii, Circa 2008]]
  1. I am the biggest child at heart. Despicable Me may be one of my favorite movies ever, I'm obsessed with all things Harry Potter, can name all 151 original Pokemon, and can think of few places that make me happier than Disney World.
  2. All I want to do in life is help people. Children with special needs hold a huge place in my heart, and I would love nothing more than to spend every day of the rest of my life with these individuals.
  3. I have a not-so-secret love affair with musical theater. I grew up singing and dancing, and later finding my true passion behind the scenes, and very few days go by that I don't miss it (I fill the void in my life by blaring musicals whenever I think no one is listening).
  4. I use men's deodorant.
  5. Cheese is my favorite food in the entire world. I love any and all kinds of it.
  6. I hate watching baseball on TV, but would give anything to have Cubs seasons tickets.
  7. My legs are two different lengths by over an inch, and my feet are half a size different.
  8. I am terrified of birds (side story: my sophomore year of college I was walking to class and a bird swooped through the air and hit me in the chest, I fell on the ground screaming and got such bad anxiety that I had to turn around and go home. This is completely unreasonable and I understand that)
  9. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love the holiday cheer and the general attitude that surronds the season.
  10. I love roller coasters. and big drops. and cars that drive fast.
  11. I have great hair.
  12. Glittens are the best winter accessory in the world. If you have never worn glittens, you're missing out.
  13. I am a youngest child, and you can tell that in many of the things that I do.
  14. I love leadership development, I've taken many classes about it in college and think it's incredibly important to foster leadership development in young people. 
  15. Positivity-Adaptability-Empathy-Includer-Communication (StrengthsQuest is my favorite leadership inventory of all time. These are my top five strengths. Everyone should take this.)
  16. There are few things I enjoy more than a good glass of wine or an ice cold Diet Coke.
  17. Despite my age I still sleep with a teddy bear. Schnookums has been in my life for too many years now, and I just can't let him go.
  18. Making a long distance relationship work with someone in the military is the hardest thing I've had to do. In my opinion being a Navy girlfriend/wife/fiance is the hardest job in the service.
  19. From the first time I stepped on the Ohio State's campus the university had my heart. I am a proud buckeye and cannot wait until the day I can say I am an Ohio State alumnae.
  20. My family is my biggest source of inspiration in my life. My parents are two of the hardest working people I know, and my sister has intelligence and drive that is unrivaled. I spend my days trying to make these three people proud.

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