Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Troll

Sunday night I was dubbed a troll.

A few of my Pizza Pals were having some beers Sunday night after everyone got off work. I babysat Sunday night, but then went over to join them after E and Mo were tucked safely in bed with their parents [Mind you I was coming from babysitting, so I had on shorts and a tank top, nothing fancy in the slightest] I got out of the car and my friend Nick didn't even recognize me. I was told that "the transformation was magnificent"

Magnificent? Apparently wandering around in a hundred degree kitchen with an ill fitting polo and my hair up in a ponytail does very little justice to how I look outside of work.

With this hoop-la from males and females alike about how different I look outside of work I finally added jokingly, "What am I a troll at work?" And with this came barrels of laughter and a nods of agreement.

Thus a troll was born, and it was all my fault.

What that means to me is that I need to put a little more effort into my appearance before going to work at night. I guess I always figure that the restaurant is hot, and people aren't going to change what they tip you based on your appearance, but maybe I'm wrong.

Moral of the story: People are always watching. Though I have never been much of a "girly-girl" I also realized this week that I do not want to be referred to as a troll by my coworkers and customers alike.

Personally I would have preferred a different fairy tale reference, maybe the ugly duckling who turns into a beautiful swan? I even would have taken the frog that you kiss and it turns into the prince(ss)

Mo and E entranced by a dinosaur movie


  1. What an awful thing to say! I'm pretty sure I've been the troll at work too. It's hard to look cute in an ill-fitting polo!

  2. hi. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following me :). As for the advice...there is plenty to dish. know that dating/be married to/engaged to someone in the military is very hard. We have the hardest jobs yet. It's going to be rough sometimes, it's going to suck, but than most will be unbelievably happy. The military can take you places thats for sure...and the Balls! Girl, let me tell you! Getting dressed up once a year to attend the Birthday Ball is what we girls live for! But thats just one day. The rest of the time, its a battle for the most part. A good battle...and a bad battle.

    But I will tell you the one thing that I have always told my family and friends. I wouldn't wish this life upon anyone, not even a person who has done me wrong. Some woman can handle this life. And some can't. If you want to be the person to be able to handle it....then don't worry about anything besides you and your man. :)

    One thing is for sure though...

    you will be his biggest fan.
